vrijdag 10 januari 2014

Currently 10.01.2014 and something extra

This year I am continuing with the currently list challenge.
I'm taking a moment each week to record what's going on in my life right now.

this week

I totally forgot to upload last weeks card ..whoops..

And the something extra I promised?
Kristin (rukristin.com) who thought up the whole currently challenge, is looking for 2 Currently ambassadors. So go to her blog and apply for this awesome "job"!
There is also a facebookgroup you can join. Just search: "currently list journaling challenge" and join the fun.

Also she is offering an exclusive one-month-only special edition every month!
For january she made a very stylish grey edition.
You can buy it HERE!

What are you wainting for? Get printing and fill out your card!

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Hi Janine

    You won my flair giveaway! Please send me your postal address at oliverlloyd.vanessa@gmail.com!
